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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What is vision means in life????


  "The ability to see" or "A picture in your imagination".
     Vision in life means the power of imagination to see things which are invisible to others. And you can that vision gives us a direction toward your achievements or goal of life. It makes you a powerful person in life who creates own way of living life in this world of all possibilities.
Vision qoute

     And show other people of the world that "Now I have something which has importance in this world of living beings".

An artist is not paid for his labour but for vision
    -James Whistler

Vision And Action In life

    In life, everyone wants to be a successful person. But each one is not a successful person. If you want to be on the list of each one who Is successful in their life. Then you must know about Two basic rule of success.

•) follow your wish of life with a clear vision

      It is true that each one in this world makes wishes every day, every moment when they saw something which attracts them. But the problem is that they don't follow there wish.  I mean that " they just make wishes, they don't know how to fulfil their wishes. In that situation, you have to think about how you can fulfil that wishes. Find the ways or if you can't find the way they make it, create it. 
    This is what I want to say to "follow your wishes with a clear vision".A clear vision means a clear direction where you want to go.
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision in life.
-Helen Keller

•)Take Action for your wishes

    In life, each one is working to fulfil their wishes. That work is action but Not everyone fulfils their wishes.
    Just think that if that work or action is not in a right direction or that action doesn't have a motive that means that is just a waste of time.

 If your vision in life is clear then you will be successful in your mission of life.....
 Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely daydreaming. But vision with action can change the world.
-Nelson Mandela

          Dawyne the Rock Johnson lifestyle 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

What is Wisdom in life???


  Wisdom is the ability of making decision or judgement or we can say that ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, underatanding, common sense and insight.
  Wisdom can difened by many different ways like wisdom is synthesis of knowledge and experience into insight.

Importance of wisdom in life

Wisdom means take right decision 

Flower with quote on wisdom and right dicision

    Wisdom is that ability which make us to take right decision in life. Right decision are those decision of life who give us satisfaction in life for which we will never feel regret . this ability came through the wisdom.
    Every leader have this quality, if not that means it will never be a great leader in future. Because wisdom gives us a vision to see far away in future to take decision in our present to make our future better than today.
Whatever decision you take in life, keep it in your mind always. Because whatever you do, that will contribute in your achievements.

 Wisdom is light of life

    Wisdom is light of life because in the dark we can't able to see anything or if we try to walk in the dark, may be we fall down. We need light to see anything in dark. As in life we need wisdom to see things clearly and make right choices in life.

To listen wisely is to listen inside, not outside. You do not allow your mind to chase after sounds. You reverse your hearings to listen to your own true nature. Instead of listening to external sounds, you focus inwardly on your body and mind. You cease to seek outside yourself. And you turn around the light of your attention so that it will shine within yourself.
                              - Ven. Master Hsuan hua.

recomended : JR. NTR life Journey

Wisdom is art of observation

Pics with wisdom quote on observation in life

    In life we observe to many thing some are good, some are bad, or some are neutral to us means we don't care about those things. These all things we observe, we learn something from each one but we don't know that we have learn something because we didn't apply them in our life.

   Through observation we know the difference between right and wrong from our stand point. This is the real wisdom and observation is one of most important of pilar of wisdom in life.
   We have to open our mind for observation because by observation can understand what is the reality of life and what going in this world. 

       Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom
 Self-Awareness is the beginning of all wisdom in life .


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Learning = life


    It is a process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviour, skills, value, or preferences.

Learning and life

   It is the activity of gain knowledge in life. Through our sense and the most important the response or reaction given by our mind to that knowledge which is acquired by our senses. That is true knowledge in life. Because that knowledge is a conclusion we can say. If this is not coming from our mind that means we are not gaining knowledge.

Learning never refers  only the book

Man with quote is learn from book of life

   Learning means in life is to learn from the book of life not only from the book of school. It's far more than these books. In life, every moment is like a lesson to learn only we need to open our mind to learn. Because without a learning, life is nothing.
If you are learning in life means you are alive. 
   In life, the teacher teaches us how to read, how to write but no one teaches us what to write, what to read in our journey of whole life.

Learning means experience the wonder

   Learning in life is most beautiful thing which connect us  to the wonder of life.
Every new thing which we learn is like a wonder for us because that thing opens our mind a little bit more. This is the real thing and real life we can say.

 Learning means expanding our wisdom

Nature with qoute of learn to expand wisdom

   In our whole life whatever we learn is just for our wisdom. Because wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge and experience in life. This is real purpose of endless, lifelong learning to expand our wisdom in life.

Also read : which is important future or past????

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What honesty means in life???

What is honesty???

  Honesty is truth and acts truthfully with yourself and others. Honesty means not to do things which you feel are morally wrong. And it is far more than the lying in life.

Honesty and life

    Honesty means in life. A different way of living, a different type of satisfaction, a different type of deep peace for our soul, a different type of pleasure when we act truthfully, a different type of freedom from all the lie and fake which we do show others what we are.
    This is the real honesty in life which makes us feel good and happy in our entire life. Honesty is real mediation in life to improve the quality of the life and it like a power.

•). Quality of life

      Honesty is that thing which improves the quality of life. Because when you honest with yourself you will always do which is right for yourself. You never go into a confusion about making a decision to do things in your life. 

•). Honesty is a power

    In life, honesty is like a power. A few people in the world can handle this power. This is a power which makes people great in life. 

Honesty and relationship

     Honesty is the best foundation for any relationship. And this is the only thing which can build a true relationship in life. If you always with honest with your partner then your partner will trust you, believe in yourself.
     Honesty has a very big impact on a relationship. If a relationship doesn't have an honesty that means the relationship is not alive.
. Immortal relationship is built on the foundation of honesty

The immortal relationship is built on the foundation of honesty
Also read :-  Meaning of love in life

Friday, September 7, 2018

What is discipline in life???

What is discipline ???

Universe follows Discipline qoute

       Discipline is like a process in life to control behaviour and actions by teaching, by self-motivation, or by punishment.
       It is like a mindset that provides stability and a proper structure in life.

Discipline is a track in life

Discipline is like a track in life

    Discipline is like a track and you have to run on this track regularly until you don't achieve your goal, your success in life.
    In life, you have to make your own track to run for something. In your track you will be the only winner or loser, a choice is yours! You want to win or lose.

Discipline has a key role in life

    In life the key role of discipline is development. Because if you set and follow a discipline for something with consistency then day by day you automatically realise that you going closer. This means your ability is developing. And your life is developing.

Discipline is like a magnet make it powerful

Discipline is like a magnet in life qoute

      In life, discipline is a magnet which attracts your success toward you. The only need is to keep your magnet with you forever in life. If this magnet is with you then nothing in life that you can't do. 
      And important thing is that as you go with your magnet regularly its power of attraction increases day by day. So make your magnet powerful.

Discipline is a bridge of new enjoy

Discipline is a bridge for a new enjoy in life qoute

     Making a new Discipline in life never means that you have left your previous enjoyment. Rather than its real meaning is creating a new way of enjoyment if you are interested in something new in your life. Discipline is that bridge between you and your new enjoy.
      You want that enjoy then you have to cross that bridge. 

Discipline is the distance between you and your success

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What passion means in life???

What is passion???

    Passion means a strong feeling, belief or we can say that a deep interest in something.
     Also, it means an excitement towards something in life or this is one type of attraction toward a specific thing.

 Passion in life

A man with passion qoute

   Passion is like a fuel in life. That gives us endless energy in your life to do things for which you are passionate.
  Passion does not mean that you know all about your passion in life. Its just means that what you love or enjoy most or which thing you can do in your whole life without feeling boor, sick for your work.

 Happiness in passion
        If you want happiness in your life. The best way is to live your passion because if you live your passion you will never feel regret, never feel sick, never feel uncomfortable in life. Only you just need to have a self Awareness of what you enjoy most about your life. It will help you to define your passion in life. 

     Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.                                                                                                    -  Howard Thurman

 Passion is endless learning process in life

Man with passion qoute

       Passion of your life also need practice and learning to improve it. If you  living your passion means you are in endless process of learning because when you focus on your passion it make your passion  better and more better than day by day towards perfection. And gradually it sparks  your creativity to live in a world of possibility.

Passion is priceless in front of skills

A man with passion is priceless qoute

   Passion is like a inside fire. If you burn yourself with it. You will light up in your life and people will comes from miles away to see with your fire. And skills means ability to do something well but when you burn in fire of your passion skill does not matter because they comes automatically. Skills are cheap in front of your passion in life.
     Passion does not need inspiration. But may be it will become inspiration  to others to live there passion of life.

Also read


Monday, September 3, 2018

Self awareness and it's 3 importance in life

What is self awareness?

 Firstly you need to understand the meaning of awareness.
 Awareness is the knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exist.


Self-Awareness is first step toward success

  It is just as awareness but it's knowledge and understanding about yourself. Or we can say that is a ability to recognise yourself as an unique and separate individual to empowered to make changes and to build our areas of strength as well as find the areas of weakness to improve them.

3 importance of self awareness in life

1. It is the first step in creang yourself and mastering in life. Because if you know your strong and weak areas then you can do better in your life and create yourself as a successful person.

2. It is a key to understand yourself and monitor your mind, thoughts and emotion from moment to moment when you distract from your goal and pay attention towards your goal of life.

Self awareness is key to understand yourself

3. It is major factor in life to understand that which is right or wrong for yourself. And choose which is fruitful to you and make happy in future.

Also read 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

What is a good listening and it's importance in life?

         In life we mostly communicate by reading , writing, speaking and listening. In our daily life we use listening 40% more than others skills. But in life No-one teache us how to listen or why listening is important in life?

What is a good listening?

A men listen good and react good
       Most of  don't know the difference between listening and hearing. Listening is far more than the hearing because hearing is a sense by which recognise a sound and it's intensity and it's source. But listening means to understand what is someone saying and give back a suitable reaction.
     By good listening we get a new way to see the world from others eyes. Beacuse if we listen properly to someone then we think according to the person and compare our knowledge with it. Then we understand what he is trying to say. And understand about his experiences.

Importance of good listening in life

1. Learn things in a better way

Teacher and students

        In life if we have a good listening ability then we can learn things in a better way beacuse in listening we give attention towards what someone is trying to say us and we understand the real meaning of his words. If we get that meaning that means we have learn something.

2. Make a better relation with others

Showing relation between two people

    By good listening we give a freedom to someone to express their feelings or situations. If we do this then that person will understand that we are taking interest to him.

Friday, August 31, 2018

What is the importance of time in life???

Time qoutes
    Time is not about a frame of numbers and rotating pins on it and indicating numbers all the day and night. Its about how or what you do at the moment to change your life. Don't expect to see a change in your life you if you don't make one.
       Time is non-refundable and In everyone's  life there comes a time , when they to choose turn the page or close the book. At this crucial moment of life. You have to choose which one make better our upcoming time. Otherwise time has a wonderful way to showing you, what you are.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why should you have control your mind and thoughts????

Your mind is most powerful weapon within you and thoughts are your bullets. If you don't control them. They will control you . And you will do things unwillingly. And this situation will kill from inside . You will die day by day. You don't need stop your thoughts you just need to channelize your thoughts in right direction. It is upto you where to channelize them.
Channalize your thoughts and mind

     Once you get success in channalizing your thoughts that day is a new beginning of your life and you will be the master of your own thoughts. Then automatically your all problems will solved. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What is attitude means in life???

What is Attitude??

  Attitude is a part of our personality. It is that how we feel or how we respond or behaves about something . We can can also say that how we frame our view of life. Because our attitude determines our direction of life.

Attitude is a price tag

Type of attitude 

There are too many types of attitude based on different different theoretical concepts. but basically attitude is two type.

• Positive Attitude

  Positive attitude is that we have ability to frame things in a positive way. like In life most of the stress comes from how we respond , not the way life is. So if we adjust our attitude in positive direction than all extra stress will gone.
    In life a positive attitude is our price tag , it shows how valuable we are . Never let the down the value of our price tag.

• Negative Attitude

     Negative attitude is that ability to frame things in a negative way. Like when we become judgemental for anything rather expericing and learning from those experiences. It will develop a habit of taking random decision rather than understanding things. In life only the disability is a negative attitude.
Only disability is negative attitude

    In life our attitude can change our future but if we want to change our future then we have to change our negative attitude.

How to improve attitude

 There are three best ways to improve our attitude.

  1. Self-motivation
     This is the best way to improve our attitude . If we discover those thing by which we motivates or can motivate ourself then never we will towards negative direction. Then we can change our life according to us. Only need to find  our motives.

2. Visualisation power
      Visualisation is a process of creating image in mind of having or doing whatever we want. Or we can say that it is a type of practice which we do in our mind. By doing practice in mind it works well to improve our attitude. 
        World's best persons like engineers, artist, athletes use visualisation to enhance and focus their skills and achieve their goals. 

3. Self-coaching by Affirmations

     Affirmation is a positive sentence which is charged with power, conviction and faith. Which gives us encouragement in life.
   If we take affirmation as a seed of our life and focus on our goal then we will be able to see that our goal is coming near and near and near to us.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Meaning of happiness in life

Meaning of happiness

   The real meaning of happiness in life is that it is a key of our life. because each and every thing is connected to happiness that's why life is all about happiness. Every one want to be happy but they don't know how to be happy but there soul's know the answer of this question only they need to silence there minds.
Life is all about happiness

     Happiness never means that the absence     of problems, it's a ability to deal with them.
   Happiness starts from us not with our relationships, not with our 💰 money but with us.
     When a egg breaks by outside force then life ends but If broken by inside force , life begins. This means happiness in life comes from our inside never from anyone else. It's only depend upon our quality of thoughts.
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Meaning of love in life

 Love in life  

        Love in life means that you are feeling a great thing. Because this is the most beautiful and precious period of life when you fall in love with someone's soul's, with someone's gesture, 💓 heart, and moral, with someone's smile.
Love in life

     Love in life means a combination of feelings come together. Sometimes it make you feel happy, sometimes sad and without your loving one make u feel lonely even when you are in between a lots of peoples.
     There is no alternative of love in life. this feeling is different from others. It make us never let to go our loving one, no matters how hard the situation in front us.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Believe in yourself


 Do u know that no one or nothing can make u feel inferior without your consent. To be a successful in your life you have to believe in yourself. And To start a journey of anything you must have two bielf in mind : The future can be better then today and I have the power to make it.
Believe in yourself

  Only your believe can make you  to deserve anything and everything that you desire. 
  In faith and fear. There will be always one thing is common that is your believe in something. Among those you have choose to decide your future. Your believe is the most important thing in your life to be a successful person.

Recommended: Alia Bhatt Life Journey

Listen to yourself

   In life we give importance to what others saying, thinking about us.... But Is it really important???

   No, it is not important. How can you allow others to decide your character, your future, your life. This is your life, you have the power to do whatever you want do or passionate about....

   Just listen to your heart once and you realise what is important in life.. And you will know what is really important in your life......Believe in yourself......and you can do anything.

Also read: what is listening means in life

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Which is important future or past?????

Which is important future or past????? 

In life lots of people are always thinking about there past life. If longer we live in the past then less future we have to enjoy. And our happiness are prevented by living in past. We have to forgive ourself for whatever mistakes we done in past. We can't allow to our past experience to control our life. Need a new beginning again to live, to enjoy, to make ourselves because the life in front of us is far important then the life behind us.
Future happiness

      In life we never have be afraid to start over.It's a chance to build something better this time 

You can also read about Chris Hemsworth life journey 

We always have to be loyal towards our future. If we are not then nothing in life can give us happiness. We have to create our life we can't wait to wake up to.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How to create ownself?

In life we are always trying to find what we can do perfectly. But no-one knows that whatever we do is not for finding ourself. Is for creating own self through learning from anything. If we learn from our failure one day will definitely come when become a wise person. and that time if look back then we realise that how we create own self through learn from our mistakes. The only thing in our life is to understand how to create own self ?  

Create yourself

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

To achieve goal

  To achieve goal of your life for that you have to do something in a new which is not done by you before in your life. If you fail in achieving your goal that never means you can't achieve. That time only the thing you have to do is find out which cause your failure.
Just find out

       You know that thing "Just find out Right now". Once you will find out the reason then nobody can stop you to achieve your goal.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Friendship means In life

Only and only loyal relation in the world 

The loyal relation is friendship. This is the most beautiful relation in this world. It is not a big thing but it is a million little things because when we are making fun of little thing we don't know that we are making memories which give us happy when we are alone. In friendship, anyone accepts us the way we are.


Friendship is like a priceless gift

    Friendship is the only relation we have in which can share any problem which we can't share with family. A friend may not able to solve the problem but he will always be with us to face the problem. 
    It's like a priceless gift because in this world nothing is comparable  with frienship

Friday, August 10, 2018

Thoughts on life

It is never matters that we are doing to achieve something only matters is our soul satisfies with that. If not that means whatever we are doing is not right for us.
  What we have achieved is not a life. The journey or path through which we have achieve something is a real life that we live.
Small plant
Life is too beautiful if we see life is beautiful

Every day may not be a good day.
But there is something good in every day.

What is vision means in life????

Vision   "The ability to see" or "A picture in your imagination".      Vision in life means the power of imaginati...


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