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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What passion means in life???

What is passion???

    Passion means a strong feeling, belief or we can say that a deep interest in something.
     Also, it means an excitement towards something in life or this is one type of attraction toward a specific thing.

 Passion in life

A man with passion qoute

   Passion is like a fuel in life. That gives us endless energy in your life to do things for which you are passionate.
  Passion does not mean that you know all about your passion in life. Its just means that what you love or enjoy most or which thing you can do in your whole life without feeling boor, sick for your work.

 Happiness in passion
        If you want happiness in your life. The best way is to live your passion because if you live your passion you will never feel regret, never feel sick, never feel uncomfortable in life. Only you just need to have a self Awareness of what you enjoy most about your life. It will help you to define your passion in life. 

     Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.                                                                                                    -  Howard Thurman

 Passion is endless learning process in life

Man with passion qoute

       Passion of your life also need practice and learning to improve it. If you  living your passion means you are in endless process of learning because when you focus on your passion it make your passion  better and more better than day by day towards perfection. And gradually it sparks  your creativity to live in a world of possibility.

Passion is priceless in front of skills

A man with passion is priceless qoute

   Passion is like a inside fire. If you burn yourself with it. You will light up in your life and people will comes from miles away to see with your fire. And skills means ability to do something well but when you burn in fire of your passion skill does not matter because they comes automatically. Skills are cheap in front of your passion in life.
     Passion does not need inspiration. But may be it will become inspiration  to others to live there passion of life.

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