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Sunday, September 2, 2018

What is a good listening and it's importance in life?

         In life we mostly communicate by reading , writing, speaking and listening. In our daily life we use listening 40% more than others skills. But in life No-one teache us how to listen or why listening is important in life?

What is a good listening?

A men listen good and react good
       Most of  don't know the difference between listening and hearing. Listening is far more than the hearing because hearing is a sense by which recognise a sound and it's intensity and it's source. But listening means to understand what is someone saying and give back a suitable reaction.
     By good listening we get a new way to see the world from others eyes. Beacuse if we listen properly to someone then we think according to the person and compare our knowledge with it. Then we understand what he is trying to say. And understand about his experiences.

Importance of good listening in life

1. Learn things in a better way

Teacher and students

        In life if we have a good listening ability then we can learn things in a better way beacuse in listening we give attention towards what someone is trying to say us and we understand the real meaning of his words. If we get that meaning that means we have learn something.

2. Make a better relation with others

Showing relation between two people

    By good listening we give a freedom to someone to express their feelings or situations. If we do this then that person will understand that we are taking interest to him.

Friday, August 31, 2018

What is the importance of time in life???

Time qoutes
    Time is not about a frame of numbers and rotating pins on it and indicating numbers all the day and night. Its about how or what you do at the moment to change your life. Don't expect to see a change in your life you if you don't make one.
       Time is non-refundable and In everyone's  life there comes a time , when they to choose turn the page or close the book. At this crucial moment of life. You have to choose which one make better our upcoming time. Otherwise time has a wonderful way to showing you, what you are.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why should you have control your mind and thoughts????

Your mind is most powerful weapon within you and thoughts are your bullets. If you don't control them. They will control you . And you will do things unwillingly. And this situation will kill from inside . You will die day by day. You don't need stop your thoughts you just need to channelize your thoughts in right direction. It is upto you where to channelize them.
Channalize your thoughts and mind

     Once you get success in channalizing your thoughts that day is a new beginning of your life and you will be the master of your own thoughts. Then automatically your all problems will solved. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What is attitude means in life???

What is Attitude??

  Attitude is a part of our personality. It is that how we feel or how we respond or behaves about something . We can can also say that how we frame our view of life. Because our attitude determines our direction of life.

Attitude is a price tag

Type of attitude 

There are too many types of attitude based on different different theoretical concepts. but basically attitude is two type.

• Positive Attitude

  Positive attitude is that we have ability to frame things in a positive way. like In life most of the stress comes from how we respond , not the way life is. So if we adjust our attitude in positive direction than all extra stress will gone.
    In life a positive attitude is our price tag , it shows how valuable we are . Never let the down the value of our price tag.

• Negative Attitude

     Negative attitude is that ability to frame things in a negative way. Like when we become judgemental for anything rather expericing and learning from those experiences. It will develop a habit of taking random decision rather than understanding things. In life only the disability is a negative attitude.
Only disability is negative attitude

    In life our attitude can change our future but if we want to change our future then we have to change our negative attitude.

How to improve attitude

 There are three best ways to improve our attitude.

  1. Self-motivation
     This is the best way to improve our attitude . If we discover those thing by which we motivates or can motivate ourself then never we will towards negative direction. Then we can change our life according to us. Only need to find  our motives.

2. Visualisation power
      Visualisation is a process of creating image in mind of having or doing whatever we want. Or we can say that it is a type of practice which we do in our mind. By doing practice in mind it works well to improve our attitude. 
        World's best persons like engineers, artist, athletes use visualisation to enhance and focus their skills and achieve their goals. 

3. Self-coaching by Affirmations

     Affirmation is a positive sentence which is charged with power, conviction and faith. Which gives us encouragement in life.
   If we take affirmation as a seed of our life and focus on our goal then we will be able to see that our goal is coming near and near and near to us.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Meaning of happiness in life

Meaning of happiness

   The real meaning of happiness in life is that it is a key of our life. because each and every thing is connected to happiness that's why life is all about happiness. Every one want to be happy but they don't know how to be happy but there soul's know the answer of this question only they need to silence there minds.
Life is all about happiness

     Happiness never means that the absence     of problems, it's a ability to deal with them.
   Happiness starts from us not with our relationships, not with our 💰 money but with us.
     When a egg breaks by outside force then life ends but If broken by inside force , life begins. This means happiness in life comes from our inside never from anyone else. It's only depend upon our quality of thoughts.
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Meaning of love in life

 Love in life  

        Love in life means that you are feeling a great thing. Because this is the most beautiful and precious period of life when you fall in love with someone's soul's, with someone's gesture, 💓 heart, and moral, with someone's smile.
Love in life

     Love in life means a combination of feelings come together. Sometimes it make you feel happy, sometimes sad and without your loving one make u feel lonely even when you are in between a lots of peoples.
     There is no alternative of love in life. this feeling is different from others. It make us never let to go our loving one, no matters how hard the situation in front us.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Believe in yourself


 Do u know that no one or nothing can make u feel inferior without your consent. To be a successful in your life you have to believe in yourself. And To start a journey of anything you must have two bielf in mind : The future can be better then today and I have the power to make it.
Believe in yourself

  Only your believe can make you  to deserve anything and everything that you desire. 
  In faith and fear. There will be always one thing is common that is your believe in something. Among those you have choose to decide your future. Your believe is the most important thing in your life to be a successful person.

Recommended: Alia Bhatt Life Journey

Listen to yourself

   In life we give importance to what others saying, thinking about us.... But Is it really important???

   No, it is not important. How can you allow others to decide your character, your future, your life. This is your life, you have the power to do whatever you want do or passionate about....

   Just listen to your heart once and you realise what is important in life.. And you will know what is really important in your life......Believe in yourself......and you can do anything.

Also read: what is listening means in life

What is vision means in life????

Vision   "The ability to see" or "A picture in your imagination".      Vision in life means the power of imaginati...


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